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Author Archives: Arne Manthey

Date Title Description Comments Reads Rating
12.Jan.2011 XStep Café Session 27

Session RecordingMeta data in PI Sheet header, Commands & Events, Partial confirmations with tables,…

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1.Dec.2010 XStep Café Session 26

Session RecordingPDF Printout of PI Sheets (Consulting Solution), how to copy one table parameter to another table, …

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25.Nov.2010 Integrating Safety Symbols in the PI Sheet

In this article I show how to integrate material-dependent safety symbols into the PI Sheet.

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3.Nov.2010 No Session today :(

No session today 🙁

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6.Oct.2010 XStep Café – Session 25

Session RecordingSAP Plant Connectivity (Presentation & Demo)

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15.Sep.2010 XStep Café – Session 24

Reporting on PI Sheet data, weighing equipment handling and Misc.

Unfortunately this recording is lost!

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26.Jul.2010 Shift Notes and Reports

DocumentFact Sheet: Shift notes and reports

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21.Jul.2010 Question: Shall I also Cover SAP Plant Connectivity?

Since I am now working on SAP Plant Connectivity as a new topic I wonder whether I should also cover this here and in the web sessions. First let me explain in a nut shell what PCo is.

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14.Jul.2010 XStep Café – Session 23

Session RecordingShift Notes and Misc.

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24.Jun.2010 New Standard Function Modules for PI Sheets / EWIs

A new OSS note (1453716) is available which includes a lot of new standard function modules you can use in your implementation.

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9.Jun.2010 XStep Café – Session 22

Session Recording Commands on process steps, F4 help with material number prefilled, Rework, custom symbols/generation,…

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18.May.2010 Archiving of PI Sheets and Electronic Work Instructions (OSS Pilot Note)

The only way to archive PI Sheets and delete the corresponding database tables is to use the EBR functionality. For all other cases (Test PI Sheets or PP-based Electronic Work Instructions) archiving is not possible. However, deletion of old entries from the database becomes essential for maintainng the performance of the ERP system. In this article I describe a pilot note which solves this dilemma.

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6.May.2010 Quick Tip: Complete Material List

If you have assigned components to different phases or operations you may want to get an overview of all components regardless of their phase assignment at the start of the PI Sheet or Electronic Work Instruction. Here is the way how to do it.

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5.May.2010 XStep Café – Session 21

Session RecordingChatting about Weighing/OPC, beginners tips, etc.

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26.Apr.2010 The Ultimate Guide to Type 0 Process Instructions

In this article I give you a guide on the correct sequence you need to follow when using process instructions of type 0 (no XSteps)

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22.Apr.2010 Restriction on Table Row numbers and Performance

There was a question by Maddy in the Topic Discussion section about the maximum number of table lines (more than 999) which I would like to answer here.

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9.Apr.2010 Quick Tip: Hide the Button for Adding New Lines in Tables

There might be situations where you want to handle the adding of lines in a repeated data request (table) entirely with commands or with function modules and tabular parameters. In such a case you usually want to avoid that users can manually create new lines by pressing the small button at the bottom of the […]

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7.Apr.2010 XStep Café – Session 20

Session RecordingValidation issues and demo of the new BAdI for changing the SXS explosion date

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7.Apr.2010 BAdI for Flexible SXS Explosion Date

Once you create an order the explosion date for all master data is set to the start date of that order. Since this might happen well before the actual execution date you might want to change something on short notice in the XSteps section before you actually create a control recipe.If you have release the […]

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1.Apr.2010 Stylesheet: XSL Basic Structure

To start with a custom stylesheet development the first step is to understand the basic structure of the standard XSL stylesheet which is used to define the conversion of the XML structure to the HTML-based PI Sheet you see in CO60. So here is a simplified structure overview which shows all major template blocks in […]

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