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Wednesday, September 10, 2014 XStep Café Session 49
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Session Recording

Archiving of Xsteps – Part 2

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Searching in the SXS repository
0:10:20 Removing the vertical scrollbar in tables
0:18:45 New Archiving Concept for XSteps

Here is the presentation from today:


Wednesday, August 27, 2014 How to get Tables without Scrollbars
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Recently I read a question on LinkedIn and SCN on how to avoid scrollbars for tables (aka repeated data requests).

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014 Search the XStep Repository
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I recently found the question on the Google+ forum about how to find Standard XSteps which match a certain condition. In that particular case all XSteps need to be found which have an input field with validation and the ‚Never accept‘ error handling.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2014 XStep Café Session 48
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Session Recording

Archiving of Xsteps

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Presentation and Demo on Archiving Xsteps
1:02:00 Question on IP Sheet and SAP UI strategy
1:05:40 Question on different stylesheets normal vs. Archiving
1:09:50 Availability of S95 connector for PI-PCS

Here is the presentation from today:


Wednesday, April 2, 2014 XStep Café Session 47
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Session Recording

Transfer of Standard Xsteps between Systems (Export/Import)

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Welcome
0:01:03 Question: Strange rounding problem for certain numbers in input fields
0:04:24 Question: MDS broadcast events with parameters
0:15:26 Question: Global variables in Xsteps?
0:23:34 Demo: Transfer SXS with export/import
1:00:46 Question: Possiblity of validation formula for strings
Monday, March 17, 2014 What I do for you (and what not)
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Just recently I got an email with some questions and very detailed problem description. Usually I don’t mind this and I put such mails (or any Google+ or blog comments) into my queue for looking at it some time later (if the mail has a clearly formulated question, which also is not always the case). And since I am now doing a total different job at SAP as a product owner for software in the marketing line of business (no manufacturing) this means it can take a long time until I might find the time to answer such questions.

The problem I get with those mails (and the last mail was a perfect example) is that some people expect me to react to their urgent business issues promptly. In case of that last mail I got also a copy on my other mail for admin purpose and I got a reminder mail the very next day (!).

Please keep in mind that I still do this blog in my spare time just because I like the area of manufacturing. Also keep in mind that this blog was never meant as a platform for peer-to-peer consulting. Also there is a reason that consulting for such a topic usually costs money…

So I suggest that for any case where you have an urgent issue either contact SAP Consulting or create a service ticket. Also try and post something in my Google+ community there might be other people that have solved your problem.

Here are some guidelines for communication:

  • Sending Email to my work address is OK but I prefer posts in Google+ so that others also can participate in the discussion
  • If you send an email or post please provide enough information and have a clear question
  • I might consider your questions as a topic of a blog post or one of my web sessions but there is no guarantee
  • Do not expect a quick reaction and sometimes I might have no time at all for a longer time
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Understanding Parameter Categories
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Recently I got a question on an error message in an SXS: „The system repeatedly accesses parameter XXX in change mode“ (Message number CMX_PII006). After I analyzed it I came across a mis-use of parameter categories.


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Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Access/Download of Standard XStep Library from SAP Note 2625835
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You can access the Standard XStep Library (zipped XMLs and PDF documentation) now via the SAP note 2625835


Update Feb 2021: Here is the last version (1.1) of the complete library.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014 XStep Café Session 46
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Rating: 4.7/5 (3 votes cast)

Session Recording

Order-specific MDA broadcast events and many other questions.

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Welcome
0:01:50 Use order-specific MDA Broadcast events
0:15:00 Question: RTL (righ-to-left) – PI Sheets in Hebrew language
0:19:40 Question: Create control recipes for one order separately with Xsteps
0:29:00 Question: Intregration of SAP Recipe Management with Xsteps
0:41:40 Question: Increase scroll bar size for PI Sheets in touch screens
0:43:00 Question: Increase size of long text input in tables
0:45:40 Question: Shift reports and Adobe document server requirement
0:48:00 Question: Enhancing the header section with hyperlinks
0:55:10 Question: Control the release and control recipe generation in customizing
0:57:00 Closing remarks
Monday, January 13, 2014 Usage of Live Parameters
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Recently I got the question on how to use live parameters to transfer data between two PI Sheets. Here is a little example.

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013 XStep Café Session 45
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Session Recording

MDA Broadcast, dynamic table, field validation (Answering questions from Google+)

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Welcome
0:05:45 How to trigger/test MDA Broadcast

SXS: MDA Broadcast Listener

0:19:15 How to dynamically add table lines

SXS: SXS_Control Table Lines, Preconditions:

  • Function module CMX_TOOLS_FM_SET_INDEX_FOR_TAB
  • Numeric integer characteristic with the name Z_MX_INT3

0:44:00 Decoupled validation technique

SXS: SXS_Validation with Dropdown and SXS_Validation with Signature, Precondition: Char characteristic Z_MX_YES which has one allowed value (‘Yes’)

0:55:00 Question: Dump on archiving large amounts of orders with Xsteps

To get the SXS examples download the text files linked to the topics and replace the extension ‘txt’ with ‘xml’. Then you can import them into your SXS library. Please note that these sample come with no warranty!

Friday, November 22, 2013 MDA Test Report
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There is a report available (RCMXDATEST02) to test all MDA stuff. You can read or write OPC tags or send MDA broadcast events.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013 XStep Café Session 44
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Rating: 3.0/5 (2 votes cast)

Session Recording

Mass creation and assignment of XStep objects to routings, master recipes, or manufacturing orders

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Presentation
0:25:10 Walk Through the ABAP Coding
0:46:20 Demo
0:51:30 Q&A
0:58:10 Question on logs within PI Sheets

Here is the presentation from today:

Wednesday, August 7, 2013 XStep Café Session 43
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Unfortunately the recording of this session was not properly done due to some error on Adobes side. Therefore I cannot give you the recording (only the presentation) and I am very sorry about this! Maybe you take this as a motivation to attend the live web session more often 😉

Nevertheless here is the presentation from today:


Wednesday, June 26, 2013 RDS Batch Manufacturing: Extension and Usage with XSteps
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I get many questions on the RDS Batch Manufacturing, how it works and whether you can also use XSteps with it. Here are my thoughts.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013 XStep Café Session 42
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Rating: 4.0/5 (3 votes cast)

Session Recording

How to add a custom action in the context menu of the XStep Repository

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Demo / Presentation on custom actions in the context menu of the XStep Repository (see also SCN Document “Custom Actions for the XStep Repository”)
0:27:47 QM process messages to update the inspection lot
0:32:00 Availability of XStep definition in PP-PI similar to the production scheduler profile in PP?
0:37:10 News on PCo 2.3

Here is the presentation from today:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Next Session shifted
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Since I am traveling to Sydney for the next 2 weeks I have to shift the next session to the 19th.

If anybody lives in Sydney and wants to have a chat – send me an email 😉

Monday, March 4, 2013 XStep Café Session 41
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Session Recording

BAdI Monitoring, Where-used-list, restrictions for context menus, indication of process message status in PI Sheet, communication between PI Sheets, Milestone confirmation

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Demo / Presentation on BAdI monitoring
0:16:33 Question on Where Used List Performance
0:27:23 Question on OCX Menu usage in PI Sheets (did a user change something?)
0:33:16 Question on Indicators of Process Message status in PI Sheets
0:42:15 Question on Live parameters for communication between PI Sheets
0:46:32 Question on Milestone confirmations

Here is the presentation from today:

Thursday, February 21, 2013 New Google+ Community for the XStep Café
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As an additional way to discuss I decided to create a new community in Google+ for the XStep Café. I hope you find it useful

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 XStep Café Session 40
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Session Recording

Finding Data Inconsistencies in Xstep data base / Custom calculation of validity dates for SXS versions

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Introduction of the Google+ Community
0:03:18 Detect Inconsistent Data of Browser-based PI Sheets and Electronic Work Instructions (SCN document)
0:19:00 Custom Calculation of Validity for SXS Versions with new BAdI BADI_CMX_XSR_VERS
(SAP note 1792912)
0:27:00 Questions/Comments on Shift Notes, Co-Products, Material-specific scope of generation
0:32:00 Question: How do customers implement Weigh & Dispense?

Here is the presentation from today:


This blog has been discontinued!



March 2025