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Category Archives: General Discussion

Date Title Description Comments Reads Rating
8.Oct.2015 Issues with Loading of PI Sheets and Electronic Work Instructions

Dear XStep Café community! Recently an error was reported that massively affects loading and changing PI Sheets/Electronic Work Instructions (transaction CO60, CO60XT, and COEBR): The HTML control only displays the text ‘Loading…’ but the PI Sheet/EWI is not displayed. If the loading log is displayed no error messages are displayed. The message is missing that […]

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17.Mar.2014 What I do for you (and what not)

Just recently I got an email with some questions and very detailed problem description. Usually I don’t mind this and I put such mails (or any Google+ or blog comments) into my queue for looking at it some time later (if the mail has a clearly formulated question, which also is not always the case). […]

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25.Feb.2014 Understanding Parameter Categories

Recently I got a question on an error message in an SXS: „The system repeatedly accesses parameter XXX in change mode“ (Message number CMX_PII006). After I analyzed it I came across a mis-use of parameter categories.  

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26.Jun.2013 RDS Batch Manufacturing: Extension and Usage with XSteps

I get many questions on the RDS Batch Manufacturing, how it works and whether you can also use XSteps with it. Here are my thoughts.

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21.Feb.2013 New Google+ Community for the XStep Café

As an additional way to discuss I decided to create a new community in Google+ for the XStep Café. I hope you find it useful

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17.Sep.2012 Future of the Web Sessions

Last time on September 12th there was no one coming online and therefore there is no recording available. Uwe had prepared something interesting on custom development enhancements which would enable XSteps also for Reference Operation Sets and Maintenance orders. I will put this topic now explicitly on the agenda for the next session and hope […]

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18.Sep.2011 New Forum in the XStep Café

Announcement of the new forum in the XStep Café

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13.Sep.2011 Call for Co-Authors

Would you like to contribute to this blog?

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6.Jul.2011 PI Sheet on an iPad

See how the PI Sheet looks on an iPad

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21.Jul.2010 Question: Shall I also Cover SAP Plant Connectivity?

Since I am now working on SAP Plant Connectivity as a new topic I wonder whether I should also cover this here and in the web sessions. First let me explain in a nut shell what PCo is.

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2.Feb.2010 Apple’s iPad: Is it also good for Manufacturing?

When I saw Apple’s presentation on the iPad I was very excited. I also own an iPhone privately and I find it very useful. So I am definitely interested in having one for me. 🙂 But then I also started thinking about other more business-like usages for that device. One obvious use case is for […]

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