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Friday, March 5, 2010 XStep Café – Session 19
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Session Recording

Alternate Units of measure / Cross-plant SXS Repository (OSS pilot note)

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The main topics for this session were alternate units of measure and the Cross-plant SXS Repository (OSS pilot note)
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009 XStep Café – Session 16 (No Audio)
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Session Recording

MDA: Creating notifications / Rework scenario

Unfortunately the audio signal of the this session was not recorded due to a technical issue. I know now how to avoid this in the future but still the audio for the last session is gone. So at least I tried to capture what I have explained in some session notes and I hope that you can at least find some value in it. Maybe we can also repeat some of this in one of the next sessions.

Link to original flash recording

Session Timeline
Time Details
00:00:48 1) Ragu’s issue with non-tabular parameters assignment to proc. mess. in table
00:01:16 Tabular and non-tabular parameters defined
00:01:45 Value help for ‘Process order’ does not allow to select X_ORDER (because it is not a tabular parameter)
00:02:00 You need to enter the parameter X_ORDER manually
00:02:15 A tabular parameter can be selected without problems
00:03:01 2) MDA: Creating notifications based on conditions
00:04:05 How to run the SAP ODA connector in foreground to see what’s happening on the client.
00:04:50 OPC setup of the Matrikon Simulation Server as an A&E data source
00:06:00 – Make sure that the severity filter is set at least for a very large interval to capture all events
00:06:15 Create a test subscription (see also the black ODA window)
00:07:00 Example how to use the A&E subscription in XSteps
00:07:24 The buton ‘Test’ is an MDA element which is triggered also on the event shown before. It also reads additional event data
00:08:20 Check the process message created on that event
00:10:00 If no PI Sheet with event subscriptions is active, no events are sent to ERP
00:11:00 Usage of CO69 to capture events in background (no order relation though)
00:12:30 How the example is set up with XSteps
00:16:00 – MDA element
00:17:10 – Writing of the non-tabular data of the MDA element to tabular parameters (to fill the process message)
00:17:30 – Set a status parameter for the automatic completion of the table line
00:19:04 3) Rework
00:20:30 Example order. Operation 0030 is used. 2 materials are assigned to that operation.
00:21:50 Amongst normal SXS for confirmation and goods issue a special SXS is attached to operation 0030 to enable additional rework XSteps
00:22:00 PI Sheet: regular instructions executed
00:23:00 Rework is triggered
00:24:40 Execute the new PI Sheet with rework instructions
00:25:30 Enable unplanned goods movements
00:27:00 Check order for confirmation data and documented goods movements
00:29:30 Show some details of the function module used to create the new control recipe (no coding provided)
00:32:03 4) Peter’s problem mixing automatic characteristics and symbol valuation
00:34:30 How to include a parameter (e.g. ‘PAR1’) into a long text using ‘&’
00:36:00 – use &PAR1& and NOT &PPPI_MATERIAL& (which worked with the old process instructions)
00:38:31 5) Flag in O10C (external system)
00:39:00 Flag ‘Creation with XSteps’ in TA O10C (Control recipe destinations)
00:39:30 1st alternative to use XSteps for external systems: Do NOT use the flag ‘Creation with XSteps’
– Create manual process instructions and use parameter valuation (e.g. &A_ORD&)
– Provide process instruction type manually (e.g. ‘3 process message subscription’)
– Provide the category of the process instruction manually (e.g. A_CONS_1)
00:41:00 2nd alternative: Use the flag ‘Creation with XSteps’
– NO manual created process instruction
– All parameters get transfered into the control recipe including values
00:42:30 Example of an XML structure of an external control recipe:
– There are NO process instruction categories (only a dummy placeholder)
– Also structural XStep information is included (blocks, parameter names,…)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 Using BAdIs for Custom Valuation and Generation in XSteps
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When you use XSteps to define PI Sheets or Electronic Work Instructions the automatic valuation (e.g. material number) and the generation of elements (e.g. material component list) are important features. To provide even more flexibility new custom-defined valuation symbols or generation scopes can be included.

Today I have posted an article in SDN which provides a simple guide on how to set up the BAdIs needed for this.

Thursday, June 24, 2010 New Standard Function Modules for PI Sheets / EWIs
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A new OSS note (1453716) is available which includes a lot of new standard function modules you can use in your implementation.

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 XStep Café Session 46
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Session Recording

Order-specific MDA broadcast events and many other questions.

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Welcome
0:01:50 Use order-specific MDA Broadcast events
0:15:00 Question: RTL (righ-to-left) – PI Sheets in Hebrew language
0:19:40 Question: Create control recipes for one order separately with Xsteps
0:29:00 Question: Intregration of SAP Recipe Management with Xsteps
0:41:40 Question: Increase scroll bar size for PI Sheets in touch screens
0:43:00 Question: Increase size of long text input in tables
0:45:40 Question: Shift reports and Adobe document server requirement
0:48:00 Question: Enhancing the header section with hyperlinks
0:55:10 Question: Control the release and control recipe generation in customizing
0:57:00 Closing remarks
Friday, April 9, 2010 Quick Tip: Hide the Button for Adding New Lines in Tables
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There might be situations where you want to handle the adding of lines in a repeated data request (table) entirely with commands or with function modules and tabular parameters. In such a case you usually want to avoid that users can manually create new lines by pressing the small button at the bottom of the table. Here is a quick tip how to hide this button. Read more »

Friday, January 22, 2010 Setting up an Offline Environment for Stylesheet Development
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Once you have decided to enhance your PI Sheet with additional functionality using XSL/CSS you will find out that it is not so easy and quick to test your result using the ERP system itself (Downloading, uploading, maybe changing MIME types,…) It would be so much easier to try your changes on a local filesystem and use your Internet Explorer directly to check the look and feel of your changes. Let me explain how you can do this.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008 XStep Café – Session 3
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Session Recording

BAdI für Symbols and Generation Scopes

Please read this before you watch the recording!

Link to original flash recording

Sunday, September 30, 2007 ASUG Fall Summit: Boost the PI Sheet
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On this years anual ASUG fall event my colleague Uwe Dittes from SAP development I have presented on new and old (but not well known) functions for XSteps and ERP Manufacturing.

  1. Newly developed standard functions (ECC 6.03)
  2. XSteps SXS Library (ECC 5.0 +)
  3. Extensions of XSteps for regulated environment (ECC 6.02)
  4. Using productivity tools to speed up implementation
  5. Techniques for enhancements (XSL stylesheets and function modules)
Friday, January 15, 2010 Display 40 Character Material Text
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One annoying thing with material text is that this field holds up to 40 characters but all PI characteristics are restricted to 30 characters. How do you display all 40 characters in the PI Sheet despite this? There are 2 different constellations: PI Sheet with or without XSteps. I will explain solutions for both.

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Monday, September 24, 2007 PI Sheet: Productivity Tools
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PI Sheets in PP-PI offer a lot of functionality to streamline a manufacturing process in SAP ERP. During my time in consulting I realized that it is essential that project team members have a common understanding on what these PI Sheets look like and what they are suposed to do. In that time I have developped several tools to support this and I have now uploaded them to SDN. Read more »

Thursday, November 25, 2010 Integrating Safety Symbols in the PI Sheet
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In my 4th session I presented a weighing demo which included also material dependent safety symbols. In this article I would like to show how to accomplish this.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008 XStep Café – Session 2
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Session Recording

Commands & Events

Please read this before you watch the recording!

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012 XStep Café Session 35
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Session Recording

Just chatting and some talk about weighing

Link to original flash recording

Wednesday, July 14, 2010 XStep Café – Session 23
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Session Recording

Shift notes, input validation using function modules and Misc.

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Shift Notes / Reports
0:29:31 Tabular parameters
0:35:00 Input validation with functions
0:55:47 Generation BADI
1:00:39 Question on XSL / PI Sheet with tabbed phases
1:03:10 Question shift notes category
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 Cross-Plant XStep Repository (OSS Pilot Note)
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It is very easy to create and manage standard XSteps (SXS) in the repository. However if you want to use the same function in different plants you have to maintain the SXS in every plant separately since the repository is plant dependent. You can export and import for an initial creation but then you have to do multiple maintenance in case of changes. Luckily there is an OSS pilot note available that fixes this problem. Read more »

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 XStep Café – Session 11
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Session Recording

Misc, Archiving w/o EBR

Please read this before you watch the recording!

Link to original flash recording

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 ASUG Fall Summit: XStep Presentation
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DocumentXStep presentation on the ASUG fall event


  • New developments in 2008 (EhP4)
  • Easily manage rework by using XSteps
  • Shift note functionality for PI Sheets or electronic work instructions
  • Visual and functional integration of SAP MII in browser-based PI Sheets and electronic work instructions
  • XStep Café
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 XStep Café – Session 9
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Session Recording

Embedding MII Analytics

– Please read this before you watch the recording!

Link to original flash recording

Thursday, May 15, 2008 XStep Café – Session 1
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Session Recording


Please read this before you watch the recording!

Link to original flash recording


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January 2025