This blog has been discontinued (See latest posts)
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 XStep Café Session 64 (Final Session)
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Session Recording

Farewell Session

Link to original flash recording

Thanks a lot for all who participated in this last session and your kind words 🙂
Arne & Uwe

Wednesday, November 8, 2017 What happens with the session videos?
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One last thing to mention with regard to the videos in this blog:

I converted all sessions from the original flash format to mp4 and uploaded them to Youtube. You see the Youtube video embedded in the session posts. However, in some of the sessions the conversion did not go smoothly (audio and video not well aligned). If you find such a video you are more than welcome to try to make a better conversion based on the original flash recording and send it to me for replacement in my youtube channel. You find the links to those original recordings below the youtube video embedded in the posts.

I cannot say how long those flash recordings will stay alive though…

Monday, October 30, 2017 Farewell!
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Dear Followers,

it has been over 10 years that I shared my knowledge on XSteps and SAP Manufacturing with you. Since I moved on to a completely different topic (SAP Hybris Marketing) I relied a lot on Uwe’s participation and input in the online sessions. Now also Uwe decided to leave the area of manufacturing and therefore we decided to stop our activities with regards to the XStep Café.
It has been a very rewarding time for us and we received a lot of friendly feedback and appreciation. For this we would like to say thank you!
The blog will remain accessible and all the recordings will hopefully remain on YouTube for a very long time. There are still the links to the Adobe flash-based recordings but I fear that those will stop working at some point in time 🙁
There will be a last farewell session on the 8th of November 2017. We do not plan to present any topics – just hanging around 😉
We will generally stop answering questions via email. Unfortunately I cannot give you any other contact name for any questions on SAP Manufacturing, the roadmap or any other topic. You will need to go through the official contact channels (web site or your SAP account executive)
We encourage you to use the community to help each other:
Kind regards,
Arne & Uwe
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 XStep Café Session 63
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Session Recording

Enforce reason for value change

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:25 Presentation / Demo on Recording Reasons for Value Changes
0:20:32 Google+ Community Questions
0:21:20 G+ Question: Context Menu of PI Sheet
0:23:00 G+ Question: PI Sheets on Mobile Devices
0:24:20 G+ Question: Future of PI Sheets
0:34:30 Audience Question: Mime Types Issues in Web Repository
0:41:50 Audience Question: Restrict usage in new context menu
0:43:10 Audience Question: Usage in Mobile Devices – Responsiveness
0:48:20 Audience Question: Mass generation of Authorizations on Function Modules in S4/HANA
0:49:50 Audience Question: Using Barcode Scanner on a mobile Device (iPad with VMWare)
0:54:30 Audience Question: Calendar Popup in PI Sheet

Here is the presentation of today:

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 XStep Café Session 62
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Session Recording

Enforce reason for value change

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:25 Presentation
0:21:18 Demo
0:51:00 Q&A

Here is the presentation of today:

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 XStep Café Session 61
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Session Recording

Notes for PP-PI-PMA, Xstep Library, XS for Reference Operation Sets (PP)

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:25 Improvement of Production Execution and SAP Process Management (PP-PI-PMA) by SAP Notes
0:08:30 Improved provision of the XStep Library
0:11:51 XSteps for Reference Operation Sets (PP)

Here is the document of all relevant Notes (First topic today):

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 XStep Café Session 60
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Session Recording


Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Announcement of the new Youtube playlist
0:02:10 Experience of enhanced stylesheet at SICPA
0:24:45 Question: OPC connectivity and Java-Applet for weighing

Here is the presentation from today:


Sunday, November 6, 2016 Session Videos now Available in Youtube
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Since you and I had problems in the past with the Adobe format of my recordings I have now decided to convert all available session videos to a more common format. I also created a playlist in Youtube and uploaded all videos there:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 XStep Café Session 59
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Session Recording

Q&A (Mostly audio only)

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:26 Question: PI Sheet and S4/HANA
0:06:22 Experience of enhanced stylesheet at SICPA
0:12:45 Question: Issue whilte copying between repositories
0:15:52 Präsentation: Alternative context menu with Javascript instead of OCX controls
0:20:00 Question: Random error message (‘Error in registration of the STEP object’ Message CPOC801)
0:28:20 Question: Usage of function modules with buttons – table line only completable when button is pressed
0:36:20 Question: PI Sheet and S4/HANA (2)
0:38:30 Housekeeping: How to communicate changes in session scheduling
Wednesday, June 22, 2016 XStep Café Session 58
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Session Recording

Destination Sequences

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Destination Sequences – Sequenced Processing of browser-based PI Sheets and Electronic Work Instructions

Here is the presentation from today:


Wednesday, April 13, 2016 XStep Café Session 57
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Session Recording

Dynamic Assignment of Signature Strategies

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Dynamic Assignment of Signature Strategies
0:32:50 Question: How to implement Xstep-based PI-Sheets in multiple languages
0:38:45 Note on how to get the own local time for live participation. Please use the link ‘Check with your timezone’ in the news section of the blog.
0:41:00 Question: How to use sort string filtering with Xsteps
0:49:10 Question: How to migrate process instruction based PI-Sheets

Here is the presentation from today:



Wednesday, February 10, 2016 XStep Café Session 56
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Session Recording

Using XSteps in discrete Manufacturing

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Presentation and demo on Xsteps for discrete production
0:49:05 Question: Possibility to pass values to a rework Xsteps which is created with function module
0:50:30 Question: How to handle browser compatibility issues

Here is the presentation from today:



If you are interested in more information on usage of XSteps in discrete manufacturing you can always search for posts with this link:

Wednesday, January 27, 2016 FAQ: Conversion/migration of process instructions to XSteps
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Question: Is it possible to convert existing process instructions for PI Sheets to XSteps?

Answer: No

XSteps are master data and process instructions are maintained in customizing. There is no process or report which automatically creates XSteps in the repository. You could try to manually copy the process instructions in customizing and paste them in the process instruction tab of an Step element. It might work – or not. And there would be a good deal of rework because XSteps handle a lot of data transfer with parameters and process instructions use variables which work differently.

I generally recommend to use this as an opportunity to do a general rework of your manufacturing instructions and gradually move them to XSteps. It is possible to make the switch from one master recipe to another so there is no need for a big bang to convert everything at the same time.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 XStep Café Session 55
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Session Recording

Process Instruction Maintenance for External Control Recipe Destinations

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:30 Presentation and Demo on maintenance of process instructions for external control recipe destinations
0:37:04 Q&A
0:38:59 Question: What happens with PI-Sheets and Xsteps in S4/HANA
0:46:37 Question: How to do valuation of parameters (Link to relevant posts)
0:48:59 Question: How to use the function module to retrieve a document from DMS with the latest version

Here is the presentation from today:


Thursday, October 8, 2015 Issues with Loading of PI Sheets and Electronic Work Instructions
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Dear XStep Café community!
Recently an error was reported that massively affects loading and changing PI Sheets/Electronic Work Instructions (transaction CO60, CO60XT, and COEBR):

  • The HTML control only displays the text ‘Loading…’ but the PI Sheet/EWI is not displayed.
  • If the loading log is displayed no error messages are displayed. The message is missing that the document was started successfully: In general this is the last message of the log (message 808 of message class CPOC).

The error seems to be related to the usage of Internet Explorer 11 and SAPWinGUI 7.40 (higher patch level).

Reason for the error:

SAP HTML viewer control displays the HTML content of browser-based PI Sheets and electronic work instructions. These objects require SAP GUI for Windows. In this case the MS Internet Explorer is used as external browser. The current HTML files of the browser framework are not compatible with IE 11. The metadata information in the HTML file about the UX compatibility mode is missings. The HTML files of the browser framework require Internet Explorer 6.0 as compatibility mode.

This error is fixed with SAP note 2224356.

Kind regards

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 XStep Café Session 54
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Session Recording

Transfer Long Text Values of XSteps using Process Messages

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:30 Presentation and Demo on how to transfer long text values (>30 characters)
0:40:40 Question on sorting and sort string in Xsteps
0:41:40 Question on process operator cockpits: Possible with Xsteps?
0:44:10 Question: Is there a tool to mass create Xsteps references in recipes?
0:47:00 Question: How to filter in generation scopes in Xsteps?
0:51:30 Question on roadmap and specifically on plans for S4/HANA
0:53:05 Question on transfer of values between PI Sheets (Live parameters) – We might discuss this in a future session

Here is the presentation from today:



This is the XML import file with the XSteps used in this demo (You might need to change the file extension back to ‘XML’)):


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 XStep Café Session 53
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Session Recording

BAdIs to enhance the electronic batch record (EBR)

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:30 BAdIs for electronic batch record (EBR) – Presentation

  • Embed own objects
  • EBR for production orders
  • EBR for external inspection lots
0:23:15 BAdIs for electronic batch record (EBR) – Demo
0:37:50 Improvements in SXS repository

  • drag and drop improvements
  • Import of SXS folders und subfolders
0:41:13 Quick log at the corresponding OSS notes
0:43:45 Question: How to mass change of control recipe destinations in recipes with Xsteps

Here is the presentation from today:


Wednesday, April 1, 2015 XStep Café Session 52
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Session Recording

Intersession Events Improvements

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:42 Improvements for Intersession Events
0:36:00 Misc. Short topics: Industry 4.0, Size of PI Sheet database tables
0:41:00 Question: Mass change of control recipe destinations in Xsteps

Here is the presentation from today:


Wednesday, February 4, 2015 XStep Café Session 51
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Session Recording

Miscellaneous Q&A

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:01:20 Change log documentation in xsteps. Report RCPC_CMX_DISPLAY_XS_CLOG available but not user-friendly

0:31:20 Call for Action: CEI (Customer Engagement Initiative) on new requirements. Contact Pascal Münz if you want to team up (see participant list)
0:37:01 Rounding issue in calculation
0:39:52 Get standard XSL files (OSS note 329997)
0:44:17 Support for weighing within PI-Sheet
0:46:30 Question on usage of PI-Sheets for Mobile
0:49:10 Issue with transport of XSteps (import/export)
Wednesday, November 5, 2014 XStep Café Session 50
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Session Recording

Archiving of Xsteps – Part 3

Link to original flash recording

Session Notes
Time Topic
0:00:00 Early deletion of Xsteps in orders
0:18:30 Question on Live Parameters
0:21:15 Locks on signature table (New SAP Note)

Can’t believe I already have made 50 sessions until now!

Here is the presentation from today:



This blog has been discontinued!



March 2025