With XSteps it is very easy to setup the instructions for PI Sheets. However there are still a lot of customers out there using the old-style process instructions. In the old days there were only the ABAP list-based PI Sheets and back then it was also relatively easy to create the process intructions (type 1 to 7) because there is the PI assistant available for these types. Since R/3 4.6c and the browser-based PI Sheets a new type 0 was introduced which allowed a much more flexible way of defining and combining different basic elements of an instruction in one single process instruction.
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Monthly Archives: April, 2010
There was a question by Maddy in the Topic Discussion section about the maximum number of table lines (more than 999) which I would like to answer here. Read more »
There might be situations where you want to handle the adding of lines in a repeated data request (table) entirely with commands or with function modules and tabular parameters. In such a case you usually want to avoid that users can manually create new lines by pressing the small button at the bottom of the table. Here is a quick tip how to hide this button. Read more »
Validation issues and demo of the new BAdI for changing the SXS explosion date
Link to original flash recording The main topics for this session were validation issues and demo of the new BAdI for changing the SXS explosion date.
Once you create an order the explosion date for all master data is set to the start date of that order. Since this might happen well before the actual execution date you might want to change something on short notice in the XSteps section before you actually create a control recipe.If you have release the old version of your SXS and you have the business function active which prevents the change of released SXS’s you can only create a new version from the current date with the changes. However the old orders still have the explosion date in the past and will not be able to use the new version. Today the note 1452604 has been released which adds a BAdI to implement custom code which is called whenever the explosion date is accessed in the context of XSteps.
To start with a custom stylesheet development the first step is to understand the basic structure of the standard XSL stylesheet which is used to define the conversion of the XML structure to the HTML-based PI Sheet you see in CO60. So here is a simplified structure overview which shows all major template blocks in the XSL stylesheet. I also added the calls inside of those templates that lead to other templates (<xsl:apply-templates …) and a brief description. Read more »